Hello Health Blueprint Private Sessions
4 @ 75 min Private Sessions as part of the Hello Health Blueprint $490
Service Description
Are you struggling to lose weight because of cravings, emotional eating, or toxic hunger? Or, are you interested in reversing chronic disease, slowing aging, and minimizing toxic overload, while losing weight on a plant based lifestyle plan? Bloating and constant frustration with the scale fueled me to dive deep into the best protocals I could trust. With so many theories out there, one style of eating kept repeating from a science based background from 3 different sources I could trust. Teachings from Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Michael McGregor, and Dr. Esselstyn are the core of this blueprint. If you are ready to make lifestyle changes with the resistances released through proven techniques; then, this will be a game changer for you! 4 1:1 75 minute sessions will be customized to your specific goals. $490 Read More: Certified by Joel Fuhrman’s Nutritarian Coaching Program through Nutrtition Education Institute. Joel Fuhrman has helped 100’s of thousands of people reach an ideal weight eating nutrient rich foods. Package includes 4 1:1 75 minute sessions, and a 5 day Diet: Good Mood Food and Lose Weight too ebook, and a Peaceful Sleep Tapping Procedure Bonus.
Cancellation Policy
Once an appointment has been scheduled, I understand that I will be expected to pay for it unless I provide Sonia a 24 hour notice of cancellation. If I am late, I understand that we will still end our session on time and not run over into the next person’s session. If I miss a session without cancelling, or cancel with less than twenty-four-hours’ notice, I understand that I must still pay for that session unless we both agree that I was unable to attend due to circumstances beyond my control. If we do not both come to that agreement, I understand that I will not be refunded for that missed session. I understand that I can transfer unused sessions to someone else if I choose to do so. If we are near the end of a session & want to continue longer than the time I paid for & Sonia is available, I can continue at a prorated amount equal to the plan I purchased, due at the end of the session. Sessions expire within 1 year of purchase date.
Contact Details